Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience (COPE) is one of the high-adventure programs of Scouting America. The program comprises group initiative games, trust events, low-course events, and high-course events. Some activities involve a group challenge while others develop individual skills and agility. Participants climb, swing, balance, jump, and rappel to devise solutions to a variety of problems, learning that they can perform at levels much higher than they imagined they could. COPE is designed to meet the needs of people of all ages who are seeking ways to challenge and expand their physical and mental abilities. As a noncompetitive program, COPE permits every participant to succeed. The group activities are ideal for enhancing the leadership and teamwork of Scout units, and activities that challenge individuals can be used to promote self-sufficiency and personal growth.
We are pleased to offer three distinct programs at Camp Davy Crockett, including summer camp and our weekend programs. Our C.O.P.E. and Climbing facilities feature an upper and lower ropes course, a tower featuring 48 feet of rappelling, and a 100 yard zip line.
Summer Camp Program
Camp Davy Crockett offers two related programs for summer camp: the climbing merit badge in the morning and the COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experiences) program in the afternoon. Campers can choose to attend one or both classes. The level of the challenges offered by these two programs requires campers to be at least 13 years old to participate.
Campers choosing the climbing merit badge will have a fun, interactive, hands-on learning experience as they are taught proper climbing, rappelling and belaying techniques as well as rope types and care, knots, and safety. Climbers will finish the week understanding how to choose where to climb and to assess the safety of that choice, know what equipment is needed for the adventure, and what to do in case of an emergency.
The COPE program utilizes the elements of the upper and lower COPE courses to allow campers to progress in their comfort levels, abilities, and personal growth. Campers will initially face team challenges at lower heights and advance to high-adventure elements such as the Flying Squirrel and Pamper Pole. Scouts will be challenged physically and emotionally to help build character.
*250-pound weight limit for most COPE activities.
Patrol Builders Weekends

Email us at
to begin the registration process
Patrol Builders is a fun-filled, high-adventure weekend designed to help Scouts and leaders get the most out of Scouting by helping Scouts build confidence and develop team skills. Our two-and-a-half-day program is a fun-filled high-adventure trail designed for two leaders and up to twelve Scouts. Utilizing COPE elements, one-pot meals and the patrol method, our counselors will create an environment for your Scouts and leaders to function together using the patrol method as a Scouting patrol should. Designed to work with your busy schedules, the fun will start on a Friday evening of your choosing and finish late Sunday afternoon. We will work with your leaders to help plan productive group participation, meals, and celebrations. This not only keeps costs to a minimum, but also allows us to run throughout the year.
Email us at COPE@campdavycrockett.org to begin the registration process. A counselor will be in touch with you to help you make the course’s advance preparations, set a date for your patrol builder weekend, and register your unit.
Advance preparations include having your Scouts select a patrol leader and other leadership positions, plan their menu for the weekend, and choose a patrol t-shirt. Counselors will work with the Scout leaders to manage administrative details and help plan the celebratory meal on Sunday.
The minimal cost of $15 per participant makes the Patrol Builders Weekend one of the best deals in Scouting!
Patrol Builders Weekends

Email us at
to begin the process
Camp Davy Crockett’s Merit Badge Weekends are designed for Scouts to be able to complete the climbing merit badge in one weekend while being able to camp and work as a patrol with Scouts from their own or multiple units. The COPE team will provide the menu and the food for the weekend. The Scouts will prepare a duty roster that assigns the cooking and cleaning to the participants, giving them the opportunity to fulfill some rank requirements in addition to the climbing merit badge requirements.
Beginning on Friday evening, Scouts will set up camp and immediately begin the merit badge course work with knots and bouldering in the COPE shelter.
Saturday will involve learning proper climbing, rappelling, and belaying techniques. Our team will work with the Scouts to help them overcome any obstacles they may encounter while working on the merit badge requirements.
Sunday provides another opportunity for Scouts to complete their climbing, rappelling and belaying requirements. The Scouts will also be introduced to first aid related to these activities and will end with a session on rope types and care. If time allows, once all requirements are met, the Scouts will have the chance to challenge themselves with other elements at COPE.
Units with ten to twelve Scouts wishing to participate in a Climbing Merit Badge weekend may contact our team at COPE@campdavycrockett.org to schedule a single-unit course. The $25 per participant fee includes meals for the weekend.
*250-pound weight limit for most COPE activities