Camp Davy Crockett Parent Information
Why Choose Camp Davy Crockett?


Check out our cabins!
Camp Davy Crockett has family-style housing with room for 400 guests. Each cabin has four bunks and room to store all your gear.

Camp Davy Crockett
$375 after May 1st
East Tennessee Outdoor Adventures
Cabin Camping
Advancement Opportunities
Lifelong Memories & Friendships
Installment Plan Available
$30 Deposit
While your Scout is at Camp Davy Crockett
What to Pack?
The following lists are provided as simple guidelines to plan what you will need for a week at camp. Your Scoutmaster may have some other suggestions which do not appear on this list. We recommend packing your clothing in a footlocker or a plastic tote.

Send Your Scout a Letter at Camp
Your scout can receive mail while at Camp Davy Crockett! Be sure to include your return address just in case mail arrives after the Scout has left camp. Mail should not be sent later than the Wednesday your Scout is there, as mail can take 2 to 4 days to reach camp. If you wish to send a letter, make sure it is carefully addressed:
Scout’s Name, Troop#
C/O Camp Davy Crockett
142 Boy Scout Road
Whitesburg TN 37891